We are Observers. We observe. The subject of our observations is the world of cryptocurrency, blockchain and money-tech. When we notice something that we believe should be more widely known, we report.

Observation is, we believe, a noble pursuit, especially given the current pace of monetary evolution. Money is a uniquely human invention, simple at its core, but increasingly layered in a complexity which can make the topic almost impenetrable to a casual onlooker.

In observing we seek to understand the bigger picture, so that we can relay the most relevant details to readers in a more easily digestible form.

Our remit is to cover news based purely on the merit of the story, rather than any holding or investment, such as may be required in exchange for coverage by many leading crypto media outlets. Observers is a SORA Community project, and the team takes great pride in its editorial independence.

We aim not just to follow but to lead, particularly by shining a light on the fantastic projects out there that refuse to compromise their integrity for the sake of a quick plug. We consider Observers such a project.

If you observe a truly great story or project that you feel isn’t getting the coverage it deserves then please get in touch and let us know.

The content on this site, including news, quotes, data, and other information is provided by Observers.com and its third-party content providers for your personal information only, and it is not intended for trading purposes.

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Observing the moneytech and crypto