
Jack Martin

Jack Martin's Observations 202 Articles
Centralized stablecoins   -   Mar 23, 2023 Xapo Bank Fully Integrates USDC Payment Rails For Zero-Fee Deposits and Withdrawals
Xapo Bank USDC integration

The move makes Gibraltar-based Xapo the first fully licensed bank in the world to offer USDC on-and off-ramps as a fast, free, 24/7 alternative to the expensive and slow SWIFT system used for international payments.

Jack Martin
Lending and Borrowing   -   Mar 23, 2023 UK Court Ordered Oasis to Exploit Own Security Flaw to Recover 120k wETH Stolen in Wormhole Hack
Oasis Wormhole hack counterattack

Around $140 million worth of wrapped ether, stolen last year in a hack on the Wormhole token bridge, has been recovered using a counter-exploit on the vault in which it was being held. A UK court ordered Oasis to carry out the recovery action.

Jack Martin
Stablecoins   -   Mar 22, 2023 Swiss Bankers Propose Deposit Token as Alternative to Retail CBDC
Swiss Bankers Propose Deposit Token as Alternative to Retail CBDC

With the Swiss National Bank seeing no immediate need to develop its own retail CBDC, the Swiss Bankers Association has come up with an alternative blockchain-based stablecoin for use in digital asset transactions and DLT ecosystems.

Jack Martin
Exchanges   -   Mar 19, 2023 Copper Crypto Custody Cuts Product, People and Partners in ‘Strategic Realignment’
Copper Custody state street

Digital asset custody provider Copper has shelved its enterprise business, made staffing cuts, and ended its licensing agreement with global custody bank State Street in a move to streamline the company and focus on core product ClearLoop.

Jack Martin
Regulation   -   Mar 17, 2023 US Banking Consortium Urges Congress to Ease Restrictions on Use of Blockchain Technology
USDF consortium member banks

At a Subcommittee hearing of the House Committee on Financial Services last week, the USDF Consortium asked for a reduction in regulation on blockchain use by federally-insured banks, arguing that the technology should not be unfairly conflated with cryptocurrency.

Jack Martin
Adoption   -   Mar 13, 2023 Due to ‘Systemic Risk’ Signature Bank is Closed by Regulators to Join Silvergate and SVB as an Ex-Bank
Due to ‘Systemic Risk’ Signature Bank is Closed by Regulators to Join Silvergate and SVB as an Ex-Bank

Signature Bank has become the latest casualty of the current US banking crisis, having been closed down by regulators on Sunday to prevent a risk of instability spreading to the wider financial system.

Jack Martin
Stablecoins   -   Mar 11, 2023 Would You Believe That The Crypto Bank Failure Was Not to Blame For The USDC Depeg?
Silicon Valley Bank resulted in Circle USDC depeg

Circle’s USDC stablecoin slipped from its dollar peg due to the collapse of tech start-up friendly Silicon Valley Bank, and not that of the far more crypto-entwined Silvergate Bank, which also announced that it was entering liquidation this week.

Jack Martin
Adoption   -   Mar 11, 2023 Silvergate Bank Announces Voluntary Liquidation
Silvergate bank liquidated

Following our report on the beleaguered US crypto banking sector, former banking partner of choice for many major crypto exchanges, Silvergate Bank, has announced that it will enter voluntary liquidation and wind down operations.

Jack Martin
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