

Number of Articles 365
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 Sasha Markevich
Sasha Markevich 332 Articles
Alex Harutunian
Alex Harutunian 514 Articles
Observers's Observations 365 Articles
Investments   -   Oct 13, 2022 Dumb Money - A Movie About GameStop Reddit Saga Coming

Based on Ben Mezrich’s book, The Antisocial Network, the movie will be about the investing flash mob on Reddit that increased the price of a random company and made WallStreet speculators lose $26 billion.

Exchanges   -   Oct 12, 2022 BlackRock Continues Its Journey to Crypto Industry
BlackRock. Source:

BlackRock, the world's largest asset manager based in the US, launched an exchange traded fund iShares Blockchain Technology UCITS for EU customers. BlackRock was founded in 1988 and has grown to $82 billion market capitalization. The company was widely criticized for its close relations with the Fed during

Worldwide   -   Oct 07, 2022 Credit Suisse At Gunpoint. Will There Be a Shot?
Credit Suisse

This was a challenging week for Credit Suisse’s top managers and its public relations department: they had to deal with media attacks on their financial standing that predicted a coming collapse for the bank. Now, the media seems to be divided on this issue. It is hard to say

DeFi   -   Oct 04, 2022 Japanese Bank Dives Into Crypto
Nomura Bank

One of the biggest investment banks in Japan, Nomura, announced the launch of a new crypto venture capital unit which will focus on DeFi, Web3 and blockchain projects. Nomura is one of the oldest banks in Japan. The investment company was established in Osaka in 1925 as Nomura Securities. Now,

Adoption   -   Sep 29, 2022 How Facebook Failed to Change the World
Prof. Dahlia Malkhi, former Chief Technology Officer at the Diem Association

Once upon a time one big private company came up with an idea of reinventing money and changing the financial world. It failed. Prof. Dahlia Malkhi, who was working on Facebook's unified digital currency Diem (previously Libra), explained why in an interview with Calcalist. For her, it all

Adoption   -   Sep 28, 2022 Japanese Companies Will Be Able To Pay Salaries Via Apps
PayPay use case. Source:

Just about two weeks ago the Labour Policy Council discussed paying digital salaries to workers instead of traditional cash through bank accounts. Despite the fact that Japanese law permits only cash payments for salaries, businesses are allowed to use accounts at financial institution as recipients of the salary. Now that

SWIFT   -   Sep 24, 2022 SWIFT Goes Into Blockchain
SWIFT Goes Into Blockchain

SWIFT, the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication explores blockchain tech to improve the speed and quality of data in operating processes.

Regulation   -   Sep 24, 2022 EU Member States Decide on the Location of the Union Wide AML Regulator
EU Member States Decide on the Location of the Union Wide AML Regulator

The European Union is getting closer to the issue of creating a completely new AML regulator that will directly supervise the financial institutions of member states. Crypto is included. It's hard to say exactly when, but the European Union will have a new regulator to oversee anti-money laundering

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