The team behind Hamster Kombat, a popular Telegram mini-game, recently disclosed that they have received “numerous investment offers from some of the biggest venture capital firms in the Web3 space.” The team hasn’t specified which investors expressed interest in funding the game. Although it is highly possible that the developers received several offers, the wording certainly fuels interest and heightens expectations, making for a tasty marketing strategy to boot. 

The developers explained their decision to turn down all external investors because of their loyalty to the game community. The project has yet to reveal the exact tokenomics of the upcoming $HMSTR token airdrop. So far, it has been announced that 60% will be distributed among the players, with the rest reserved for further ecosystem development. Thus, the users, not the institutional investors, will benefit from the airdrop. 

So far, we know that the token allocation will be based on six criteria, including users’ social activity, game progress, and community involvement. Another factor will be ‘keys’—recently introduced assets that users can earn via third-party game integrations. 

It hasn’t been disclosed on which terms such integrations were added to the game’s playground, but we suggest that this might have been another form of investment and some of the funds designated to further development, including “ecosystem partnerships,” might be used in settlements. 

Hamser Kombat, currently the most popular clicker game on Telegram with well-designed gameplay and relatively rich game mechanics, has so far amassed over 155 million users (a widely believed self-claimed number of 300 million is not confirmed by the Telegram Apps data). According to a recently released whitepaper, in the future, Hamster Kombat aims to become a holistic gaming publishing ecosystem catering to all gaming platforms, including console and PC. The publishing business is expected to generate a fiat revenue stream, lowering the selling pressure on $HMSTR and securing ecosystem sustainability.  

The team has been teasing users with the upcoming token distribution since mid-June, claiming that it will be the largest airdrop ever. At the end of July, they once again confirmed working on the token launch on the TON network but didn’t provide a specific timeline, explaining the complexity of the process. 

Crypto exchange Bybit listed $HMSTR for premarket trading on its over-the-counter platform over a month ago, assuming a total supply of 10 billion tokens. At the moment of writing, $HMSTR was trading at $0.2, which means that the alleged airdrop will be equal to $2 billion, which is three times less than the Uniswap airdrop, which, according to CoinGecko, is the largest one ever. Currently, the total [pre] trading volume of $HMSTR is around $2 million. 

The pre-trading market math can barely be used to predict the actual listing scenario, but the fact that the $HMSTR trading volume is significantly bigger than those of other pre-trading coins indicates that after the airdrop, we might expect to observe a bustling market.

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