Recently thousands of Web3 fans converged on the NFT event in Paris, and attendees at the Grand Palais Éphémère got an NFT-based fashion show in addition to the panels and exhibits. Danit Peleg, a fashion designer who taps into new technologies, used the event to showcase her first collection of 3D-printed apparel inspired by Nouns.
Nouns is a generative NFT collection on the Ethereum blockchain, whose owners are part of Nouns DAO. Nouns DAO is the governing body of the Nouns ecosystem, utilising a fork of Compound Governance. The DAO treasury receives 100% of ETH proceeds from daily Noun auctions. Each Noun is an irrevocable member of Nouns DAO and has the right to one vote in all governance matters. However, these votes cannot be transferred if the Noun is sold but can be delegated to others as long as the Noun is owned. This unique governance structure ensures that the community of Noun holders has a say in the direction of the ecosystem and its future development.
The 3D-printed clothes collection featured 5 looks and accessories that drew inspiration from Nouns’ NFTs. Using various 3D-printed techniques such as Polyjet, FDM and MJF, Peleg utilised OPTITEX, a pattern-making software, to create both 2D- and 3D-versions of the collection. Actually, Peleg was offered $140,000 in funding for the 3D-printed fashion collection.
The Nouns DAO’s creative and progressive approach to intellectual property has opened up a wealth of creative possibilities for designers like Peleg, who use NFTs to create unique collections and projects. Peleg said that the project’s open-source model drew her in. That approach means that anyone can create and sell their own projects and products based on the brand. In fact, it’s encouraged: the NFT holders routinely fund projects using the treasury of funds from the daily auctions.
Will we see 3D-printed clothing in the everyday world? Possibly. Peleg said she would “love to take this collection around the world to showcase” and that she is considering an open-edition NFT drop for digital assets, as she has already done in the past in 3D. We continue to observe.