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3 Articles
More than 180 million digital yuan wallets have now been created — but over in the UK, campaigners fear "Britcoin" could plunge privacy and freedom of expression into peril.
For all the key details of new blockchain projects in the banking world, real-world asset (RWA) tokenization, and central bank digital currency (CBDC) updates, the Observers 'Banking and CBDC Roundup' has you covered. "Blockchain built for the real world," Celo, announced that real-world assets platform Centrifuge
India is once again weighing up a crypto ban in order to boost adoption of the digital rupee, while the Russian regulator warns banks of penalties. A new report suggests tokenization has little risk of jeopardizing financial stability.
ObserversIndia is once again weighing up a crypto ban in order to boost adoption of the digital rupee, while the Russian regulator warns banks of penalties. A new report suggests tokenization has little risk of jeopardizing financial stability.
ObserversMore than 180 million digital yuan wallets have now been created — but over in the UK, campaigners fear "Britcoin" could plunge privacy and freedom of expression into peril.
ObserversFor all the key details of new blockchain projects in the banking world, real-world asset (RWA) tokenization, and central bank digital currency (CBDC) updates, the Observers 'Banking and CBDC Roundup' has you covered. "Blockchain built for the real world," Celo, announced that real-world assets platform Centrifuge
Jack Martin