

Stay updated on China's regulatory approach to blockchain and cryptocurrencies. Discover their initiatives and market dynamics in the digital space.


Stay updated on China's regulatory approach to blockchain and cryptocurrencies. Discover their initiatives and market dynamics in the digital space.

Regulation   -   Nov 02, 2022 Hong Kong Plans To Stay Hub, Now For Crypto
Hong Kong and crypto. Source:

Hong Kong will abandon the previously proposed limiting of crypto trading to professional investors and will now consider allowing individuals to operate in crypto exchanges. These steps should help achieve the goal of becoming an international crypto hub.

China   -   Aug 11, 2022 China Social Credit System Quickly Explained
Living in a Social Credit System

I recently came across a funny video about living in a social credit system, and decided to check up on China — the country where the dystopian “Black Mirror” reality is about to come true.

China map with Digital Yuan (e-CNY) adoption phases
CBDC   -   Nov 11, 2022 China Expands Digital Yuan Project

China expands the e-CNY trials across four more provinces: Sichuan, Guangdong, Jiangsu, and Hebei. One of the first CBDCs in the world, China’s e-CNY is also showing great adoption rates.

Alex Harutunian
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CBDC   -   Nov 11, 2022 China Expands Digital Yuan Project
China map with Digital Yuan (e-CNY) adoption phases

China expands the e-CNY trials across four more provinces: Sichuan, Guangdong, Jiangsu, and Hebei. One of the first CBDCs in the world, China’s e-CNY is also showing great adoption rates.

Alex Harutunian
Regulation   -   Nov 02, 2022 Hong Kong Plans To Stay Hub, Now For Crypto
Hong Kong and crypto. Source:

Hong Kong will abandon the previously proposed limiting of crypto trading to professional investors and will now consider allowing individuals to operate in crypto exchanges. These steps should help achieve the goal of becoming an international crypto hub.

China   -   Aug 11, 2022 China Social Credit System Quickly Explained
Living in a Social Credit System

I recently came across a funny video about living in a social credit system, and decided to check up on China — the country where the dystopian “Black Mirror” reality is about to come true.

Alex Harutunian
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