


Press Releases   -   Jul 25, 2024 Carrieverse Presents, "Disney" in the Metaverse

Carrieverse Co., Ltd. and The Walt Disney Company Korea LLC. have signed a content licensing agreement. Through this agreement, Disney's content will appear in Carrieverse and a variety of metaverse experiences will be shown. With this contract, characters from various IPs owned by Disney, including 'Inside Out&

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Press Releases   -   Jul 25, 2024 Carrieverse Presents, "Disney" in the Metaverse

Carrieverse Co., Ltd. and The Walt Disney Company Korea LLC. have signed a content licensing agreement. Through this agreement, Disney's content will appear in Carrieverse and a variety of metaverse experiences will be shown. With this contract, characters from various IPs owned by Disney, including 'Inside Out&

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