

Understand the digital yuan (e-CNY) and its global financial implications, as China's digital currency continues to influence international trade and economic policy.


Understand the digital yuan (e-CNY) and its global financial implications, as China's digital currency continues to influence international trade and economic policy.

CBDC   -   Oct 16, 2023 China’s CBDC, the e-CNY, Continues Expansion Beyond National Borders
China’s CBDC, the e-CNY, Continues Expansion Beyond National Borders

China is making progress on expanding the use of its e-CNY beyond national borders, announcing new partnerships and R&D programs.

CBDC   -   Aug 19, 2023 A Pilot or Full-Scale Implementation? China Pushes Digital Yuan
A Pilot or Full-Scale Implementation? China Pushes Digital Yuan

China’s Central Bank is taking every possible opportunity to expand the use of the Digital Yuan, both at home and abroad.

Banking and CBDC Weekend Roundup 02/03/2024
Banking CBDC Roundup   -   Mar 02, 2024 Banking and CBDC Weekend Roundup 02/03/2024

For all the key details of new blockchain projects in the banking world, real-world asset (RWA) tokenization, stablecoins and central bank digital currency (CBDC) updates, the Observers 'Banking and CBDC Roundup' has you covered. On February 16, the U.S. Federal Reserve (Fed) published a note discussing the

Alex Harutunian
Latest Articles 29 Articles
Banking CBDC Roundup   -   Mar 02, 2024 Banking and CBDC Weekend Roundup 02/03/2024
Banking and CBDC Weekend Roundup 02/03/2024

For all the key details of new blockchain projects in the banking world, real-world asset (RWA) tokenization, stablecoins and central bank digital currency (CBDC) updates, the Observers 'Banking and CBDC Roundup' has you covered. On February 16, the U.S. Federal Reserve (Fed) published a note discussing the

Alex Harutunian
CBDC   -   Oct 16, 2023 China’s CBDC, the e-CNY, Continues Expansion Beyond National Borders
China’s CBDC, the e-CNY, Continues Expansion Beyond National Borders

China is making progress on expanding the use of its e-CNY beyond national borders, announcing new partnerships and R&D programs.

Eva Senzaj Pauram
CBDC   -   Aug 19, 2023 A Pilot or Full-Scale Implementation? China Pushes Digital Yuan
A Pilot or Full-Scale Implementation? China Pushes Digital Yuan

China’s Central Bank is taking every possible opportunity to expand the use of the Digital Yuan, both at home and abroad.

Eva Senzaj Pauram
CBDC   -   Jul 23, 2023 China’s Digital Yuan Looks to Spread its Reach Beyond National Borders
China e-CNY cross border CBD

Transactions using the digital yuan have amounted to $250 billion since the start of the CBDC’s pilot phase. China’s Central Bank Governor looked to the next step to increased adoption - cross-border payments

Eva Senzaj Pauram
CBDC   -   Nov 11, 2022 China Expands Digital Yuan Project
China map with Digital Yuan (e-CNY) adoption phases

China expands the e-CNY trials across four more provinces: Sichuan, Guangdong, Jiangsu, and Hebei. One of the first CBDCs in the world, China’s e-CNY is also showing great adoption rates.

Alex Harutunian
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