

Explore GLP’s contributions to decentralized finance and liquidity provisioning, facilitating efficient financial transactions.


Explore GLP’s contributions to decentralized finance and liquidity provisioning, facilitating efficient financial transactions.

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Lending and Borrowing   -   Dec 20, 2022 Lodestar Finance Became a Victim of Another Hacker Attack

Lodestar Finance has been subjected to a hacker attack. The attacker manipulated the oracle and was able to steal several million dollars.

Alex Harutunian
Latest Articles 1 Article
Lending and Borrowing   -   Dec 20, 2022 Lodestar Finance Became a Victim of Another Hacker Attack
Lodestar logo

Lodestar Finance has been subjected to a hacker attack. The attacker manipulated the oracle and was able to steal several million dollars.

Alex Harutunian
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