
Islamic Finance

Islamic Finance

IOTA Achieves Shari'a Compliance: Paving the Way for Islamic Finance Integration
Coins and tokens   -   Aug 19, 2024 IOTA Achieves Shari'a Compliance: Paving the Way for Islamic Finance Integration

Islamic finance adheres to the principles of Shari'a law, which prohibits the earning or payment of interest and emphasizes transactions backed by tangible assets or services.

Alexander Mardar
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Coins and tokens   -   Aug 19, 2024 IOTA Achieves Shari'a Compliance: Paving the Way for Islamic Finance Integration
IOTA Achieves Shari'a Compliance: Paving the Way for Islamic Finance Integration

Islamic finance adheres to the principles of Shari'a law, which prohibits the earning or payment of interest and emphasizes transactions backed by tangible assets or services.

Alexander Mardar
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