

Discover Noble and its efforts in facilitating cross-chain asset transfers and interoperability within DeFi.


Discover Noble and its efforts in facilitating cross-chain asset transfers and interoperability within DeFi.

Stablecoins   -   Apr 07, 2023 USDC to Launch on Cosmos
Cosmos and USDC collaboration.

Circle's partnership with cryptocurrency start-up Noble will bring the USDC natively to the Cosmos ecosystem.

Stable September. Circle's USDC Stablecoin Connects Blockchains
Centralized stablecoins   -   Sep 30, 2023 Stable September. Circle's USDC Stablecoin Connects Blockchains

Circle brings USDC stablecoin to Polkadot's Asset Hub parachain allongside five other blockchains to enable faster, cheaper transactions and multi-chain transfers via the new Cross-Chain Transfer Protocol.

Latest Articles 2 Articles
Centralized stablecoins   -   Sep 30, 2023 Stable September. Circle's USDC Stablecoin Connects Blockchains
Stable September. Circle's USDC Stablecoin Connects Blockchains

Circle brings USDC stablecoin to Polkadot's Asset Hub parachain allongside five other blockchains to enable faster, cheaper transactions and multi-chain transfers via the new Cross-Chain Transfer Protocol.

Stablecoins   -   Apr 07, 2023 USDC to Launch on Cosmos
Cosmos and USDC collaboration.

Circle's partnership with cryptocurrency start-up Noble will bring the USDC natively to the Cosmos ecosystem.

Alex Harutunian
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