


Oasis Wormhole hack counterattack
Lending and Borrowing   -   Mar 23, 2023 UK Court Ordered Oasis to Exploit Own Security Flaw to Recover 120k wETH Stolen in Wormhole Hack

Around $140 million worth of wrapped ether, stolen last year in a hack on the Wormhole token bridge, has been recovered using a counter-exploit on the vault in which it was being held. A UK court ordered Oasis to carry out the recovery action.

Jack Martin
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Lending and Borrowing   -   Mar 23, 2023 UK Court Ordered Oasis to Exploit Own Security Flaw to Recover 120k wETH Stolen in Wormhole Hack
Oasis Wormhole hack counterattack

Around $140 million worth of wrapped ether, stolen last year in a hack on the Wormhole token bridge, has been recovered using a counter-exploit on the vault in which it was being held. A UK court ordered Oasis to carry out the recovery action.

Jack Martin
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