


Web3 Phone Essentials: Solana's New Seeker Mobile Phone Features
Web3   -   Sep 23, 2024 Web3 Phone Essentials: Solana's New Seeker Mobile Phone Features

At half the price of Saga with improved specs, Solana's Chapter 2 "Seeker" features better hardware and software. The new phone has already recieved over 140,000 pre-orders.

Mathilde Adam
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Web3   -   Sep 23, 2024 Web3 Phone Essentials: Solana's New Seeker Mobile Phone Features
Web3 Phone Essentials: Solana's New Seeker Mobile Phone Features

At half the price of Saga with improved specs, Solana's Chapter 2 "Seeker" features better hardware and software. The new phone has already recieved over 140,000 pre-orders.

Mathilde Adam
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