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Discover Sei's contributions to blockchain technology and its potential applications in various industries.

Sei airdrop launch
Blockchain   -   Aug 20, 2023 Ultrafast New Blockchain Launched: Community Bemoans Dry Airdrop

In recent years, airdrops have emerged as a favored method to entice early adopters. Yet, in some launches, the promotional activity outshines the main purpose and, as SEI's experience shows, could even damage it.

Alexander Mardar
Latest Articles 1 Article
Blockchain   -   Aug 20, 2023 Ultrafast New Blockchain Launched: Community Bemoans Dry Airdrop
Sei airdrop launch

In recent years, airdrops have emerged as a favored method to entice early adopters. Yet, in some launches, the promotional activity outshines the main purpose and, as SEI's experience shows, could even damage it.

Alexander Mardar
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