Spindl, a Web3 attribution and analytics platform, has announced a collaboration with AppsFlyer, a company performing a similar role in the mobile space.

Attribution is the process of analyzing which marketing campaigns and activities are most successful in terms of conversions to product sales.

AppsFlyer has been actively providing attribution services for the mobile gaming market since 2011, while Spindl raised $7 million in October 2022 to create a similar service for Web3 platforms. The Spindl platform enables users to:

“seamlessly move between Web 2 events like clicks and Web 3 actions like NFT mints, but there’s still lots of important functionality missing.”

This is partly due to the difficulty in mobile marketing; tracking users from private platforms to app stores, installs and usage is a complicated process. However, this becomes especially tricky in the context of Web3 games, which often employ a hybrid approach, combining on-chain and off-chain elements as required.

Through the new partnership, effective immediately, developers and marketers are able to seamlessly transfer data between the AppsFlyer and Spindl platforms, and view all relevant mobile and Web3 metrics side by side. Spindl claims that this marks the “first time, the vast river of mobile usage and native blockchain data will be joined in an orderly and usable way.”

Developers will now be able to track the source campaign behind mobile installs while understanding the extent to which the user then interacts with on-chain and monetization elements. This is claimed to be achieved while prioritizing the privacy of customer data.

Spindl founder, Antonio García Martínez, believes that the collaboration could bring huge benefits to the developers and marketers of Web3 games, saying that so far:

“every Web 3 gaming dashboard has missing data around onchain revenue and user actions, presenting a very partial picture. Worse still: the more onchain a game is, the more wrong basic metrics like lifetime value are.”

While merging mobile and Web3 metrics together may be a new development, Blockchain-centric analysis is pretty much baked into the ‘immutable and permanent database’ nature of the underlying technology.

We recently Observed the most comprehensive report on blockchain gaming to date, providing data points collated from nearly 2,000 Web3 games launched over the past five years. Being able to trace that data back to marketing campaigns in the mobile and Web 2.0 ecosystem can only provide valuable further insight.

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